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Combating Gray Hair: Top 5 Lifestyle Changes to Consider Before The New Year

While gray hair is a natural part of aging, certain lifestyle changes can help you combat it. Before you make your New Year's resolutions, consider these top 5 lifestyle changes for healthier, more vibrant hair.

The New Year is not just a time for fresh beginnings, it's also an opportunity to assess and improve various aspects of your life—your hair included! If you've noticed your locks losing their luster and turning gray, you're not alone. 

While gray hair is a natural part of aging, certain lifestyle changes can help you combat it. Before you make your New Year's resolutions, consider these top 5 lifestyle changes for healthier, more vibrant hair.

Image of someone arranging the words "Try new things"

1. Revamp Your Diet

You are what you eat, and this holds true for your hair as well. A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help prevent premature graying. Don't forget to include foods high in Vitamin B, zinc, and iron. 

Supplements like Gray Escape™ Advanced Anti-Gray Hair Growth Supplement and Catalase 20,000 - Ultra High Potency For Gray Hair - Vegan can also give your hair the nutritional boost it needs.

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking doesn't just harm your lungs; it can also accelerate the graying of your hair. Chemicals in tobacco can damage hair follicles, leading to premature graying. The New Year is a perfect time to kick this bad habit for the sake of your overall health and your hair.

3. Manage Stress Levels

High stress levels can lead to a range of health problems, including premature graying. Incorporate stress management techniques like mindfulness, yoga, and regular exercise into your daily routine. The less stressed you are, the better it is for your hair.

4. Stay Hydrated

Winter can be particularly harsh on your hair, with dry indoor heating and cold winds leading to dehydration. Dehydration can weaken your hair, making it more susceptible to damage and graying. 

Drinking enough water and using hydrating hair products can counteract these effects. 

5. Regular Hair Care Routine

Establishing a good hair care routine can go a long way in preserving the natural color of your hair. Opt for shampoos and conditioners that are sulfate-free and loaded with natural ingredients. Try our perfect combination for hair growth. Our shampoo will stimulate your roots and follicles for ultimate hair growth, while our conditioner heals and rejuvenates your scalp with an organic mix of vitamins and DHT blocking botanicals.

You might also want to try topical treatments like our Root Revival™ Advanced Anti-Gray Hair Serum - Vegan to revitalize your hair follicles.


The onset of gray hair can be both a natural part of aging and a result of lifestyle choices. As the New Year approaches, consider adopting these lifestyle changes to improve the health and color of your hair.

It's never too late to take steps to look and feel your best, and your hair will thank you for it. Let the countdown to a more vibrant you begin!


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